Primary School's KiwiVolley Year 5 & 6 Competitions

General Information

KiwiVolley is for Primary school aged tamariki years 5-6 and is played on badminton courts and nets. KiwiVolley is played with a soft touch Mikasa kiwivolley ball which gives the players a good understanding of the game of Volleyball. The rules are flexible with bonus points awarded for multiple plays of the ball before crossing the net. The team consists of four players on the court at any one time.

***You do not have to be associated with a school to enter a team into this competition***


FUN is critical for us and one of the primary objectives of the programme is to encourage participation in sport and physical activity in the hopes of creating life-long interest volleyball. Using modified KiwiVolley games, the volleyball fundamentals such as, the Set, the Dig, the Serve, Spiking and Blocking can be introduced. However, we only do this in the most simple and basic of ways, used primarily as tools to enhance the development of the fundamental movement skills, and as part of a program which encourages SUCCESS and fun in a volleyball orientated environment.KiwiVolley is a game derived from the adult volleyball game with rules and equipment adapted for young people between 5-12 years. We have designed our KiwiVolley rules so that from a very early age children can be engaged in a fun volleyball environment. We use progressive levels so that the children can challenge themselves physically, develop their fundamental movement skills (FMS) and gain success through modified KiwiVolley games.
